The MaP Doctoral School of ETH Zurich provides topclass international doctoral education in advanced materials, processes and manufacturing technologies.
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MaP Doctoral School (Video: MaP)
ETH Sabbatical | CAS Advanced Materials and Processes
The tailor-?made continuing education programme CAS ETH in Advanced Materials and Processes (CAS ETH AMaP) individually and specifically promotes the competence profile of industry specialists.
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Life cycle of Swiss peppermint extract (Vidoe: MaP)
Advanced Materials Transformation Map for the World Economic Forum
Professors from D-MATL have curated a Transformation Map for the World Economic Forum on the topic of “Advanced Materials”. World experts are yearly contacted by the WEF to produce interactive maps on specific topics of societal and technological importance and to illustrate their global connectivity.
On January 24, 2025, D-MATL celebrated their latest graduates at the Master’s degree graduation ceremony. It was a wonderful evening with an inspiring speech by Dr. Franziska Brem from Sensirion, a fun look back by the graduates and a celebration of all study achievements.
A biologist, a neuroscientist, a materials scientist and a physicist have each been awarded one of the prestigious grants of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Researchers of the Laboratory for Mesoscopic Systems with colleagues at the Paul Scherrer Institute, the University of Oxford and the Max Plank Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids have developed a pioneering X-ray technique to probe the 3D orientation of a material’s building blocks at the nanoscale. The technique allows the visualization of crystal grains, grain boundaries and defects - critical factors that govern material performance.
On 6 December 2024, eight doctoral students and postdocs followed an invitation by the Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP) Doctoral School Small track on an excursion to Basel. They were curious about the new ETH D-BSSE building and the research of two of the MaP research groups located there.
Research team led by the Laboratory for Soft Materials and Interfaces have created microcapsule arrays that can simultaneously record the different history of stress levels by changing color. This technology enables monitoring microscale damage and pressure in materials.
Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin with Marcel Benoist Prizewinner Nicola Spaldin (Copyright: Daniel Rihs, picture taken on behalf of the SNSF)
Nicola Spaldin, head of Materials Theory group, has been awarded the Swiss Science Prize Marcel Benoist for her outstanding research into multiferroic materials. Read more